W. Steve Wilson

What’s New

April is here and hopefully Spring is soon to follow –

We’re ramping up for the concluding chapters of It Always Ends with a Nuclear Device, Book Two of The Hydrogen Thieves. Last week brought Episode Nine: First Contact, Part I. The Marius and crew have arrived at Jupiter and are heading towards their parking orbit behind Io. All should be well if they can get past the warm welcome from The Hydrogen Thieves.

Last week we shared the adventure of first contact and crossed our fingers as the Marius dashes to Io in Episode Nine: First Contact, Part II.

This week we see the challenges of Captain Bullard faces as he tries to negotiate a resolution to the conflict in Episode Ten: Interstellar Diplomacy.

Stay tuned as we follow our intrepid adventurers and the “Jups,” as one reader called them, to their final confrontation and we’ll see if Marius can rid the solar system of the invaders.

Summer will bring Book Three: Rescue Always Comes in the Nick of Time.

Carry-over from earlier –

Episode Eight: Shields on Full where the crew of the Marius meet the Jupiterians and see first hand what the shield will do.

While there, see what else is on the site at www.wstevewilson.com.