W. Steve Wilson

The Tharsis Plateau – Season 1, Week 2, Episodes 8 thru 14

A Flash Series by W. Steve Wilson

The Tharsis Plateau – Week 1, Episodes 1 through 7

Writer’s Digest Flash Fiction Challenge February 2022: Writer’s Digest sponsored a Flash Fiction Challenge for February. Each day, Moriah Richard posted a new writing prompt and invited the Challenge participants to write a flash fiction piece based on that prompt.

I thought, why not write one story for the entire month? But each day’s prompt determines where the next episode goes. And I’ll limit each episode to 100 words. Hopefully, it will all tie together and make sense when we come out at the other end of the month.

28 one-hundred-word science fiction stories, all connected. Here’s Week 2.

Episode 8: Pit Stop      Prompt: The Grim Reaper

Jenny and Jackson cycled through the airlock and entered the lift.

“It barely fits. We think they landed it vertically and then leveled it out.”

The lift stopped 180 meters below the surface.

The matte-black ship was smooth and ovoid behind the pointed bow, the only features were two scythe-shaped nacelles.

“Do you feel it?” asked Jenny.

“It’s creepy. My guts are churning,” said Jackson.

“We think it’s the drives. It’s more intense near the nacelles.”

“It feels like my body’s dissolving. This is too weird. How can you work near it?”

“Exactly. The staff named it The Grim Reaper.”

Episode 9: Family Secrets       Prompt: Something re-gifted

Jackson pulled the sliver from his suit’s pouch; the circle glowed yellow.

Jenny put a hand on his arm.

“I have something for you.” Jenny pulled out an old data-pad. “Dad gave it to me before they arrested him.”

Jackson scanned the display. “Dad’s notes. I didn’t know you had this.”

“Nobody does. It’s why they tortured him.”

Jackson squeezed her hand in thanks.

A sliver shaped marking glowed yellow as Jackson approached the ship. He touched the sliver to the marking—it blended into the hull’s surface. The circle turned blue.

Jackson hesitated a moment and touched the circle.

Episode 10: ‘Till Death Do Us Part              Prompt: Something romantic

At Jackson’s touch, the lit circle faded to black and an oblong opening dissolved in the ship’s surface.

Dim lighting clicked on inside; the ship extruded a short ramp.

Jackson and Jenny exchanged a wary look and ascended the ramp.

Jackson dashed towards the bow, hoping to find the bridge.

“Whoa. There are bodies here.” Two tall, thin, desiccated humanoids sat in side-by-side couches; hands clasped in a gentle grip.

Jenny joined him. “These two must be the last survivors. Awaiting death together.”

“My sister, the scientist. Never figured you for a hopeless romantic.”

“Not hopeless. I always have hope.”

Episode 11: Keep a Lookout   Prompt: Someone being somewhere they shouldn’t be.

Jackson stepped onto the bridge. The lights brightened. A slight vibration came through the deck.

“Oh my god, Jackson. We’ve got to go. Now.”

“Just wait. Go keep watch.”

Jenny didn’t move.

“Please. I’ll be quick. I want to check the passageway.”

Jenny dashed out. Jackson headed aft. On his way, he grabbed the sliver, now inside the hull.

The opening snapped closed. The front of the bridge turned transparent.

A security contingent was heading towards the ship.

The vibration increased. The ship rose off the pit floor, pitched up, and sped into the Martian sky.

Leaving Jenny behind—again.

Episode 12: From a Certain Point of View     Prompt: Magic

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”

                                                                                      Arthur C. Clarke, Profiles of the Future, 1962

Jenny stood glaring at the empty sky, arms stiff at her sides, fists clenched. “Dammit Jackson, you just left me here?”

The security force confronted Jenny.

“What did your brother do? How did he take the ship?” asked the captain.

“How the hell should I know. I’m not on the ship.”

“We know you’re working together. Tell us what you know, Miss Fowler.”

“It’s Doctor Fowler and why should I tell you anything.”

“You need to cooperate. Don’t make the same mistake your father did.”

“You bastard.”

“How did he launch the ship?”

“For all I know it was magic.”

Episode 13: Mental Anguish  Prompt: Possessed by Something Unnatural

“Jenny. No,” yelled Jackson, as the ship rocketed into space.

Jackson slumped into a jump-seat behind the bridge.

Covering his face with his hands, tears welled up, anguish consumed his thoughts.

Abruptly, pain invaded his mind. Sharp serrated spikes pierced his skull. Pressure in his brain built, and he felt his head fill with viscous goo. His vision narrowed to pinpoints, his cries of agony muffled, as his hearing failed.

Through the pain and torment, tendrils invaded his thoughts, his memories probed.

The serrated spikes being ripped out was the last thing he was aware of before consciousness left him.

Episode 14: Monkey Business             Prompt: Animal Character

The fog cleared, the pounding in his head subsided, and Jackson opened his eyes.

“Whoa. What the hell?”

“We’re sorry to have startled you,” said the small, rust-colored creature.

“What the hell happened? What are you?”

“We’re the ship’s avatar. We tried communicating directly, but it was causing you pain.

“Causing me pain? Are you kidding me? I thought I was going to die.”

“We didn’t realize how different you were. We fabricated this surrogate, from your memories.”

“Yes. Jenny’s marmoset.”

“Through us, you can access the ship’s systems.”

“Then turn the ship around. We’re going back to rescue Jenny.”

The Tharsis Plateau – Week 3, Episodes 15 through 21