W. Steve Wilson

History and Our Children Will Curse Us for This

A Note about the blog posts from the future [CE 2224]: In January of 2021, with Perseverance due to land on Mars the next month, NASA activated their experimental Quantum Transmitter. The transmitter was designed to communicate with Perseverance, without regard to location and at faster than light speeds—near real-time. Unfortunately, they lost the connection after the initialization routine was completed. However, as an unintended consequence, NASA connected with a specific locus in the space-time continuum located on the Moon in 2224. That locus was the storage device of the quantum computer of a popular blog site. It is from that blog site that these blog entries are extracted. I hope you enjoy a peek into our future, and hopefully, I’m not violating some temporal directive. So far, no visit from the time cops.

Guest Author: Dr. Charles Campbell, Associate Professor of Political History, University of Luna (UofL)

Posted: Monday, April 5, 2224 (Earth Standard Calendar)

In my Political History course, The Politics of Lunar Colonization, we discuss the contributions of Scottish Prime Minister Robert G. MacDonald at great length. As students of Luna’s early history will recall, PM MacDonald shepherded Scotland through their separation from England during The Surge in the middle of the 21st Century.

The British exiting the European single market and customs union resulted in a growing majority of Scots favoring independence. As the effects of climate change worsened in the middle of the century and the Lunar Colonization surge ramped up, Scotland determined they would fare better with an independent relationship with Europe, the United States, and other countries around the world. PM MacDonald and his team crafted the independence accords that addressed national debt, property, citizenship, tax revenue, security, repatriation, foreign relations, etc. The smooth transition and peaceful transfer of power to a sovereign and independent Scottish parliament were a testament to the skill with which the accords were designed. It wasn’t until the beginning of the 22nd Century and after the reunification of Ireland, a prosperous and culturally resurgent Scotland restored stronger ties to England and Wales while retaining political independence.

Those agreements and PM MacDonald’s work formed the basis of the independence accords that define the process of Lunar Independence. The Lunar Cities are steadily moving along the path defined by the UN agreement and, barring any unforeseen setbacks, are on schedule to achieve independence in the next two years. So for that, we owe PM MacDonald and the UN a debt of gratitude.

But—somebody took it too far. Honoring the Scottish Prime Minister is one thing; shoehorning a Scottish reference into the chartering documents is too much. If we don’t work for a change, we will forever suffer under the System Colonies of Terra Independence Accords (SCOTIA). Really? We need something that rolls off the tongue like The Magna Carta, The Constitution, The New Arbroath Declaration, etc.

We can do better. Please leave a comment on what you think should be the name of our Chartering Documents. Should it be grand? Should it be catchy? Should it reflect the values of this new world?

Let me know what you think. Thank you for your time in reading my post.