Writer’s Digest Flash Fiction Challenge February 2024: Writer’s Digest sponsored a Flash Fiction Challenge for February. Each day, Moriah Richard posted a new writing prompt and invited the Challenge participants to write a flash fiction piece based on that prompt.
Like I did the previous two years, I wrote one story for the entire month. But each day’s prompt determined where the next episode went. Each episode was limited to 100 words.
Here is Season 3 of the adventures of Jenny and Jackson, siblings launched on an interdimensional, galactic journey: 29 (Leap Year!) one-hundred-word science fiction stories, all connected.
I hope you enjoy the trip. Thanks for reading.
Episode 1: Honey, I’m Home Prompt: What happened before saying something you shouldn’t.
Jackson landed the Grim Reaper at the spaceport.
“Jenny, we’ll need to be wary. I told l’Kebrill I’d be right back. That was months ago.”
“Maybe just apologize. Oh wait, not your forte, is it?”
Jackson smirked. “I apologized to you.”
Jenny shoved Jackson and proceeded to the exit hatch. “Sure, when you needed my help.”
Jackson paused, took a deep breath, and whispered, “I said I was sorry.”
The siblings took a self-propelled car to l’Kebrill’s bookstore.
Jackson pressed the entrance chime. “Let me do the talking, Jenny.”
“Sure. We’ll see how that goes.”
The entrance hatch slid open.
Episode 2: What the Cat Dragged In Prompt: Use the title in the story
The open hatch revealed a statuesque woman, waist length black braids, green jerkin complimenting her deep purple skin, the color most adults on Tau Ceti f adopted.
Startled, Jackson stepped back. “n’Kebron. It’s nice to see you.”
“Well, if it isn’t the man who broke my sister’s heart.”
“I can explain—really, I can. Is l‘Kebrill home?”
“Maybe. Who is this? Did you bring me a present?”
Jenny crossed her arms and sneered.
“No. Jenny is my sister.”
“My lucky day. You know how I like sisters.”
n’Kebron turned her head. “Hey ‘brill. Come see what the cat dragged in.”
Episode 3: Beyond Here Lie Dragons Prompt: Aftermath of something huge
l’Kebrill was striking, thought Jenny, with her purple coloration, bright yellow hair, and skin-tight body suit.
l’Kebrill summoned a wary Jackson with a crooked index finger.
n’Kebron guided Jenny to a low couch. “Let’s give them some privacy.”
Her warm smile charmed Jenny. Definitely attractive.
n’Kebron gently held Jenny’s arm. “So—what brings you to Tau Ceti f?”
“That sliver Jackson bought. It took us to the far edge of the Galaxy, to our father’s homeworld. Jackson thinks you can help solve our mystery.”
“Possibly. I was surprised Jackson left the other artifacts behind.”
Jenny perked up. “What other artifacts?”
Episode 4: Ancient Astronauts? Prompt: As a museum placard
Artifact: Landing Party Tool Belt
Item #: 02-04-3024 WSW
The artifact was discovered in a cave system in the Great Desert, five hundred kilometers west-southwest of the capital. Accumulation of dust and debris in the cave and carbon dating allowed researchers to date the age of the artifact at 10,000 years old.
The artifact is composed of a five-centimeter wide, webbed belt and a number of pouches containing various devices. None of the devices are operative, but anthropological engineers have identified what might be a medical kit (empty), a scanner-recorder, a weapon, and a slender, sliver-like device of unknown function.
Episode 5: Time to Go Prompt: A project half finished
The portal to l’Kebrill’s shop slammed into its slot—two humanoids dressed in black entered—weapons drawn.
The man motioned n’Kebron and Jenny into the lounge area.
“We knew you’d come here.”
n’Kebron clutched Jenny’s arm. “Who are these guys?”
The man stepped forward. “We want our ship back.”
A stun-gun whined. The Designers collapsed.
Jackson entered from the back. “We need to leave. I’ll throw these two in the alley.”
l’Kebrill took his hand. “I’m going with Jackson.”
n’Kebron smiled at Jenny. “I guess I’m going too. Should be fun.”
Jenny hugged n’Kebron. “We can finish Dad’s quest.”
Episode 6: The Last Time I Spoke to Dad Prompt: Title is – “The Last Time I Spoke to X”
l’Kebrill set the shop’s security field.
The four adventurers sped to the spaceport.
Arriving, Jackson cautioned the group. “Designers are guarding the ship.”
Jackson palmed the control sliver. “When I say—run.” He pressed the activator. “Run.”
Jackson’s stun-gun whined as the ship extruded a ramp. They bolted past the downed guards.
Jackson activated the neural link. The ship rocketed into the lavender sky.
n’Kebron grasped Jenny’s hand. “What now?”
“The last time I spoke to Dad, he said, ‘They have a plan. Someone needs to stop them.’” Jenny held up her hand. “I have no idea what it means.”
Episode 7: Play the Ace Prompt: A favorite – grown up
N’Kebron flashed Jenny an irritated look.
Jackson slid the cloaked ship behind the largest moon of Tau Ceti f and strolled in from the bridge. “We need to locate Ace Dayton.”
Jenny glanced at her brother. “Really? He’s getting kind of old.”
“Last I heard, he was in the Omega Centauri cluster.”
l’Kebrill questioned Jackson. “Who the heck is Ace Dayton?”
“A friend of our father. We grew up on his adventure stories. If anyone can figure it out, he can.”
“Then let’s go.”
Jackson returned to the bridge, took the ship out of orbit, and headed for Omega Centauri.