Back to Week 1, Episodes 1 thru 7
Writer’s Digest Flash Fiction Challenge February 2024: Writer’s Digest sponsored a Flash Fiction Challenge for February. Each day, Moriah Richard posted a new writing prompt and invited the Challenge participants to write a flash fiction piece based on that prompt.
Like I did the previous two years, I wrote one story for the entire month. But each day’s prompt determined where the next episode went. Each episode was limited to 100 words.
Here is Season 3 of the adventures of Jenny and Jackson, siblings launched on an interdimensional, galactic journey: 29 (Leap Year!) one-hundred-word science fiction stories, all connected.
I hope you enjoy the trip. Thanks for reading.
Episode 8: A New Team Member Prompt: A Ghost with a new purpose
n’Kebron luxuriated in Jenny’s warm embrace after a night of gentle lovemaking.
She teetered in that vague state—not awake, not dreaming.
“n’Kebron, can you hear me?”
“Yes, dear one, it is I—l’Kebrax. I’m here to help you in your quest. I seek a new purpose before I can ascend to the final plane.”
“But how? You’ve been gone so long.”
“I inhabit this ship now. I will stay with you. My time will come. Perhaps by aiding the intelligence that lives in this machine.”
“It would be wonderful to see you again.”
“Back to sleep, little one.”
Episode 9: “It’s Kinda Hot” Prompt: Two people who can’t compromise
In the lounge, n’Kebron was preparing to share her ghostly visitation with her sister when an argument started on the bridge.
n’Kebron smiled at l’Kebrill. “Seems they can’t agree on which of the two stations they’ll find Ace Dayton. Should we interrupt?”
l’Kebrill smiled back. “Not yet. Humans flush a nice ruddy color when they argue. It’s kinda hot.”
So, n’Kebron sat and watched. Finally, she tapped her sister’s arm. “We should tell them.”
L’Kebrill nodded and smiled.
“Guys … guys … GUYS! We have two ships.”
The sheepish looks were too much, and the sisters broke into thigh-slapping laughter.
Episode 10: The Plot Thickens Prompt: A cult’s call to action
Assembly Hall, Alta Campa
Designers’ Homeworld
The Ultimate Leader stood at the podium.
“We welcomed them—and they stole from us.
“We sheltered them—and they tried to subvert our truth.
“We shared our knowledge—and they judged us.
“We showed them they were part of us—and they spurned us.
“We took pride in our superiority—and they mocked us.
“We cannot allow their poison to spread and corrupt our future.
“Our scouts have located them at the far end of the galaxy. We will capture them and bring them here for retribution.”
Cheers swelled from the assembled faithful.
Episode 11: Mood Swings Prompt: A person who ruins their own mood
Jenny relaxed with a cup of coffee in the pilot chair as the Grim Reaper sped to Cluster Mining Station 55B, her “win” in the coin toss.
n’Kebron still asleep, the ship quiet, only the soft susurration of the inter-dimensional drive in the background relieved the silence.
She’d say she was content. Reunited with Jackson. Excited about her new love. Eager to see Ace again. On a grand adventure to solve the mystery of her father.
Unbidden, a tear fell on her cheek. But then everyone will leave. Her life will return to the mundane. And she’ll be alone—again.
Episode 12: A Screeching Halt Prompt: A moment of true peace
Despite his rakish reputation and his sister’s opinion, l’Kebrill always felt safe and at peace with Jackson, like this morning, enveloped in his arms, feeling his heart gently beating, his soft breath warm on her cheek. She cherished these quiet moments.
Suddenly, the Star Strider shuddered. Alarms screamed from the bridge. Red emergency lights flashed on.
Jackson struggled awake and dashed to the bridge, with ‘brill close behind.
A tractor beam’s violet glow bathed the ship. Jackson shut down the straining engines.
A massive matte black ship blocked their path.
“Who the hell are they?” asked ‘brill.
“Take one guess.”
Episode 13: Show, Don’t Tell Prompt: A state’s nickname
The Grim Reaper drew a crowd when Jenny eased the ship into her assigned berth at the station. The weirdness of the emanations from the inter-dimensional nacelles kept the curious back.
Closing up the ship, she and n‘Kebron searched out the dock master.
Jenny paid the docking fee. “Where can I find Ace Dayton?”
“That old fossil.” His smile indicated some affection for Lucky. “You’ll likely find him at The Last Frontier bar.”
n’Kebron stepped forward. “We’re new to the station. Where’s the bar?”
“Third level, past the retail—”
Jenny pulled out her handheld. “Don’t tell me. Show me.”
Episode 14: Four’s a Crowd Prompt: Write in the second person
Damn! You’d planned to spend the day in bed with l’Kebrill on this ancient “love holiday.”
Instead, you try to plan.
Should you grab a weapon?
That plan dies as two Designers materialize on the bridge, brandishing blasters.
You reach over, pulling l’Kebrill behind you, shielding her with your body.
The taller Designer steps forward. “Where’s your sister? We want our ship back.”
“That’s our ship. You left it on Mars. Salvage rights.” You hope that buys time.
The Designer steps closer. “I’ll not ask again.”
You flip the Designer the one-finger salute.
You, l’Kebrill, and the two Designers dematerialize.