Back to Week 2, Episodes 8 thru 14
Episode 15: In the Loop Prompt: A reluctant character
Jenny tugged the shirt of a passing waiter. “Where’s Ace Dayton?”
Ace, aging but fit, spied them approaching. Rising, he wrapped Jenny in a warm hug.
He dropped his arms, concern on his face. “What brings you to this backwater?”
“We’re looking for you.”
Jenny took his arm. “We’ve read parts of Dad’s datapad.”
Ace’s eyes narrowed. “You have your dad’s pad? Give me the pad. Go back to Mars. I can’t involve you. It’s too dangerous.”
“No. Loop us in or no pad.”
“I mean it, Ace.”
Turning to n’Kebron. “She’s like this.”
n’Kebron smiled and nodded.
Episode 16: To the Rescue Prompt: The story rhymes
The three questers all dash to the ship
Load their gear and some fuel for the trip.
They leave in a hurry.
Depart from the docks in a flurry.
And off to mine A, they do zip.
Not able to raise the Star Strider
Jenny asks her friend Ace to guide her.
They chart the ship’s track.
Then follow it back.
Hoping Jackson would know how to hide her.
The other ship drifts dead in space
Gives no signs of a battle or chase.
They tractor it in
But where to begin
To save their two friends—now a race.
Episode 17: A Portrait of Defiance Prompt: Title Starts – “A Portrait of …”
Jackson spasmed as the Designer inquisitor applied another shock.
“Where’s our ship and where’s your sister?”
Jackson gritted his teeth, sweat poured down his face. “Screw you.”
The inquisitor smiled, pointing the probe at l’Kebrill. “Perhaps your girlfriend knows.”
l’Kebrill raised her chin and narrowed her gaze, defiance sparked from her eyes. “Try it. I’m with Jack. Screw you.”
“She’s just like your traitorous father, Jack. Defiant to the last. What did that get him? A painful, meaningless death on Mars. Is that what you want?”
He touched the probe to l’Kebrill’s gut, his finger on the contact. “Last chance.”
Episode 18: Lost Friends Prompt: Story starts – “I wish…”
“I wish there was some way to track the Designer ship.” Jenny had used a headset to plug directly into the ship’s sensors. She’d tried looking for large masses, energy signatures, the warp the ship would generate if it was cloaked like the Grim Reaper.
n’Kebron and Ace had tried to help, but the neuro-link wouldn’t interface with them. The Designers must have coded it to her and Jackson, Jenny concluded.
The three were sitting in the lounge, commiserating.
The hatch to the bridge cycled. A small rust colored primate bounded through, jumping up on Jenny’s lap.
“Joey. You’re back.”
Episode 19: A Moral Dilemma Prompt: A conflicted character
Jenny saw the looks of confusion on her friends’ faces. “It’s an avatar the ship created for us, based on a pet of mine.”
Ace smirked. “And you named it after your father?”
Jenny just shrugged.
Joey moved to her shoulder and put a soft hand on her cheek. “The ship’s A.I. can help you with your wish. It can save Jackson and l’Kebrill, but it’s conflicted over working against those who created it.”
Ace considered for a moment. “Are there basic laws it must follow? Does it prioritize the safety of sentient beings? If so, the choice is clear.”
Episode 20: The Choice is Yours Prompt: Write about A.I.
Joey went still.
“This is the Archetype, what you call the Grim Reaper.” The voice from the lounge speakers was a strong, woman’s contralto. “I cannot help you if you intend to harm my creators. All sentient life is to be protected. Do not ask me to choose between theirs and yours. Nor will I obey if you order me to harm them.”
Ace held up a hand to stop the others. “We merely want to save our friends, who your creators will surely harm. It is your choice. You can help us, or them. Which is the lesser harm?”
Episode 21: Do the Right Thing Prompt: Answering a call
“I accept your logic. If I do nothing, your friends will likely die. If I help you, I maybe can prevent harm to all.” The A.I.’s voice had taken on a calmer timber. “Your call to save a life is the stronger potential.”
Jenny and Ace dashed to the bridge. Jenny activated the sensors.
The A.I. initiated the long-range sensors to detect the parallel dimension bleeding into normal space. The Designer ship glowed a bright green on the display.
Jenny set a course and activated the dimensional drive.
The Grim Reaper blinked into the parallel dimension and sped to intercept.